Repost: Tips for better sleep by Dr. Andrew Myers

Full and original blog can be found here:

“There are steps we can take to improve sleep and promote better mental health. We can probably all identify how a good night’s sleep can elevate our mood. One of the key tips is to maintain as much of a routine as possible (just like we do with our children). We can also aim to make changes to our bedding and bedrooms to promote sleep. Since poor sleep is often associated with anxiety (often about getting to sleep), there is much we can do relieve that stress.”

Here are a few tips that I recommend for better sleep:

• Try to go to bed at the same time every evening

• Have a wind-down before bedtime – so turn off that computer, put down the phone, and do something more relaxing

• Avoid large meals at least 2 hours before bedtime

• Avoid too much caffeine, especially later in the day

• Avoid too much alcohol – it may appear to help sleep, but too much can lead to shallower sleep

• Get some exercise during the day (climbing stairs, rather than taking the lift; go for a jog; walk a little further every day, etc.) – but don’t undertake strenuous exercise too close to bedtime

• Ensure that your bedroom is well-ventilated and neither too hot or too cold – keeping a window slightly open (even in Winter) can help

• Choose bedding that is better suited for sleeping – sometimes ‘luxurious’ sheets and pillows have a high cotton count. This might seem cozy, but it does not help with maintaining an optimum body temperature

• Keep the bedroom free of clutter and items not associated with sleep (such as work-related materials)

• Turn off your mobile phone, or leave it in another room!

• If you have trouble getting off to sleep (or wake for what appears to be a long period), try not to look at the clock – it will only make you more anxious

• To relieve the anxiety, try relaxing and breathing deeply. Use distraction (counting sheep really works!). You could listen to soothing music or other relaxing sounds

• If really cannot sleep, get up, walk around, do something relaxing, and then go back to bed
